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Rosalina | Pure Essential Oil

Rosalina | Pure Essential Oil

Regular price $32.00 Sale

Rosalina is a great alternative to aid in respiratory support for children under the age of 10, where Eucalyptus and Rosemary should not be used. It has a soft lemon and floral scent. Pairs well with other kid-safe oils like lavender, lemon, and pink grapefruit. 

Diffuse Rosalina on and off throughout the day to support your child if they have a congestion due to a cold or allergies. For example, 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off. Properly dilute with a carrier oil and use as a chest rub.


Melaleuca ericifolia (Rosalina)

15 mL

Safe usage: 

All ages when diluted

Pregnancy / Breastfeeding

Diffusing around dogs


Do not use around your cat.